Thank you for your interest in becoming a CASC Member.

According to CASC Policies and Procedures, the CASC Secretary will share the member application with the Executive Committee to determine if the new member application is complete and meets the Member description criteria. If the application is deemed complete, then the application process includes a 14-day discussion period and then a vote by the CASC membership. Once a quorum is reached, the member will be notified of the vote and provided next steps by the CASC Secretary. If you have any questions, please contact

While Membership is Pending. An individual from a prospective CASC Member Organization may be invited by the EC to attend one (and only one) CASC meeting without charge to learn more about CASC. This may also happen prior to submitting a New Membership Application.

In the meantime, you may activate your account on the website and continue filling in your organization’s information to complete your profile. This will expedite the process of publishing your organization’s profile in the CASC’s membership directory. We encourage you to activate your account now, but this can be completed at a later time if you prefer.

While you're waiting

Check your email. You have received an email with a link to activate your account on the CASC website. By activating your account, you’ll be able to complete the member profile for the member directory. While your listing won’t be active until your membership is approved, you can help prepare your profile now.