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Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) National Center for Computational Sciences

Oak Ridge, TN


The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility is charged with helping researchers solve some of the world’s most challenging scientific problems with a combination of world-class high-performance computing (HPC) resources and world-class expertise in scientific computing.

As a US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility, the OLCF offers leadership-class computing resources to researchers from government, academia, and industry who have many of the largest computing problems in science. Every year, researchers use OLCF resources to achieve breakthroughs ranging from understanding the smallest building blocks of matter to how supernovae spread elements across the universe. The OLCF supports research in biology, chemistry, seismology, engineering, energy, and many other fields. OLCF simulations have improved the safety and performance of nuclear power plants, turbomachinery, and aircraft; accelerated development of new drugs and advanced materials; and informed design of an international fusion reactor. The simulations have explored hurricanes, biofuels, neurodegenerative diseases, and clean combustion for power and propulsion. Research challenges remain, and OLCF resources can help.

Job Openings

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) National Center for Computational Sciences
1 Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830