Texas Tech University High Performance Computing Center
Texas Tech University’s High Performance Computing Center (HPCC) promotes and supports research and teaching by integrating leading-edge high performance computing and data processing resources for faculty, staff, and students. The HPCC provides free consulting and training services that include:
• Introducing Campus Researchers to HPCC Resources
• Introducing Campus Researchers to National Scale Resources
• Code Optimization and Parallelization Strategies
• Collaborating with Researchers and Their Students
• Migrating User Workflows from PC to Linux Environments
The HPCC’s primary cluster is RedRaider, with a peak theoretical total computing power of approximately 2.2 petaflops, consisting of multiple CPU partitions and two GPU partitions. Other current and planned cluster computing resources include an interactive Open OnDemand partition, specialty clusters, and special-purpose resources. These capabilities are designed to provide a natural stepping stone between resources available to researchers on their individual desktop, laptop and portable resources and those of highly competitive national and international-scale supercomputing resources. These resources, including a standard amount per user of storage of data for use on the clusters, are provided at no cost to TTU faculty members, research grant leaders, and to students and research partners working with them, with access to processing time allocated on a fair-share queueing basis for all generally available nodes.
For those with large-scale needs, dedicated computational resources to ensure priority computing when required may be purchased on a pre-paid annual or multi-year basis by individual faculty members, research grant leaders, or research groups. For more detailed information, please refer to our page on HPCC equipment. The HPCC also provides academic and research computing-related data storage and network transfers within and beyond the campus to facilitate data movement among and between such resources. A large amount of common data storage is made available for general-purpose computing to support use of the clusters. Dedicated storage beyond these amounts may also be purchased on a pre-paid annual or multi-year basis either with or without backup services by individual faculty, research grant leaders, or research groups. Backup is recommended for important data sets. For more information on data-related topics, please visit our pages on data transfers and data storage policies.
HPCC staff members are available for consulting and assistance for faculty, research grant leaders, their students, or associated research groups with advanced computational software and/or hardware needs, along with consulting to support, configure and help users to port and optimize applications to make effective use of HPCC resources. Our team also assists those with needs to scale up from TTU-based systems to national and international supercomputing resources. We accomplish this by organizing monthly training opportunities that cover use of such resources and by hosting cross-disciplinary seminars and meetings with individual account holders and groups. Where possible, the HPCC staff works to serve as a liaison between various campus teams that are engaged in similar topics in academic computing and research. For more information, please visit our pages on user training, user guides and user support.
The High Performance Computing Center’s (HPCC) computing and data storage resources are distributed between two primary locations on campus, the Experimental Sciences Building and Chemistry building, and a machine room at the Reese Center off campus. For more information, please read HPCC facilities. To locate our offices, please refer to HPCC locations.
For general business information, information about services, equipment, or grid computing efforts at Texas Tech University, please email hpcc@ttu.edu or contact our office directly at (806) 742-4350. To request user support, please send email to hpccsupport@ttu.edu.
Recent Contributions
CASC Response to Office of Science and Technology Policy NITRD NCO’s AI Action Plan
March 17, 2025
NTIA Response on Pervasive Data Research Ethical Guidelines
January 16, 2025
CNSF FY 2025 Conference Letter
December 9, 2024
The Dynamic State of AI in Research Computing,
October 16, 2024
Energy Efficiency in Research Data Centers
October 15, 2024
Building and Maintaining Research Data Centers in the Age of AI
October 15, 2024
Non-defense Discretionary FY25 Appropriations
July 23, 2024
Sustainable Computing for Sustainability Workshop Response
June 20, 2024
CASC Top Priorities and Challenges Introduction
June 20, 2024
Research Data Management
October 1, 2023
Lubbock, Texas 79409