Positions and Endorsements


2023 Position Paper: Research Data Management

Research data has grown explosively over the past couple of decades, and the research community is at a critical point for developing broad standards for managing data from the research project ideation phase through post project long-term archiving. Funding agencies have introduced requirements for data management plans, data accessibility, and data retention, but those requirements often come with no associated funding or a tradeoff between funding research activities or data management activities.

This Research Data Management Position Paper represents a first step in enumerating the challenges these emerging requirements represent and presenting a series of recommendations directed at CASC, federal sponsors and the RDM community itself to support and advance the
principles of open, accessible science.

2022 Position Papers: CASC Top Priorities and Challenges

This series of reports on top priorities and challenges for the research computing and data (RCD) community details cross-cutting recommendations as well as identifying a set of areas which represent specific priorities and challenges for members of the ecosystem to address. The topics were selected through recent CASC member surveys and discussions, representing current top priority areas requiring immediate action. Each of the reports details concerns expressed by CASC members, and offers a set of recommendations for actions by the CASC membership, as well as the broader community, to address these critical issues. In any given year, the top issues may change, so CASC intends to conduct periodic surveys and summarize such issues for consideration.

Response Letters 
